Review Policy

All books are created equal. What I mean by this is I rate ALL books the same way, no matter how I obtained them. On this blog you will find reviews of books I get from the library, books I read on Scribd, books I receive as gifts, books I buy myself, and advanced reading copies of books I receive for honest reviews. All kinds of books. Many, many books. No matter the origin of the book, if a review is posted it is 110% honest. My personal review policy is as follows: Honesty is the best policy.

Submitting a book for review:

If you're interested in sending me a book to review, please send an email to or even just leave a comment on one of my posts about it with a way for me to get in contact with you. I accept both e-books and physical copies, and am greatful for any opportunities to read a new book. I will gladly accept requests and/or advanced reading copies from both authors and publishers.

What you should know before you submit a book:

  • I have a crazy amount of free time on my hands. If you send me a copy of your book and I read through it not even 6 hours later, I promise you I didn't rush though it. I just didn't have much else to do. I rarely sleep so that happens more often than not. Insomnia is sometimes a gift.
  • As my policy states I am a very, very honest person. I don't pull any punches, so even though I am greatful for every free copy of a book I get don't expect me to kiss ass. If I don't like your book...I will say so. Vice-versa is also true. If I like your book, you'll know it. 
  • I don't read non-fiction. It depresses me more than words can say. I much prefer fiction, it's my way of escaping reality. Also, no historical anything. I tend to like this time period. I am mostly a romance reader. YA Romance, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Romance, Mystery/Thriller Romance, New Adult Romance, Erotica, and so on.                     
  • If I give you constructive criticism it is nothing personal and I don't want you to think you can't come to me with another one of your books. 
  • If you are a shy author, just starting out, or just not ready to have your book publicly discussed I am open to giving you a private review. I could just email you my thoughts, then if you feel like you're ready I can publish the review at a later date. If you don't like the review or are still feeling shy the review can stay private and unpublished.
If you make the decision to email me please include as much information about your book as possible. Genre, title, author, a small description, and page number. 

Requesting a book review:
Same concept here. You can reach me at and give me as many details as you can about the book you would like a review of. If you cannot provide a copy of the book I understand, I will do my best to acquire a copy myself. No promises can be made, but I will always do my best to review a book if it is requested. 

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